These videos are a taster of Mark Barton's media training and presentation skills sessions, starting with Why You Need To Ditch The Umms & Errs...
There are two types of speaker in this world. Those who say “UMM” and “ERR” and those who don’t. Eliminate the Umms and Errs and raise your speech, pitch or presentation to a new level. It’s that simple. Here’s how I banished the Umms and Errs...
Is Your Client Nodding Off On Zoom? Humans have the attention span of a goldfish…which means you have under 10 seconds to grab your audience’s attention, before they zone out during your Zoom meeting, or choose to watch another video on social media. Here’s how to grab the attention of your client/colleague/viewer for longer than a few seconds…
As you work from home during the lockdown, there are many things to consider before your next video call begins, such as framing, lighting, backdrop and AUDIO! Don’t be indifferent about how you sound in a virtual meeting. People are much more forgiving of mediocre picture quality if the audio is top-notch. But if the sound is subpar, your lighting & backdrop won’t save you from losing the the attention of your audience.To emphasise why your audio matters, I bring you Clash of the Microphones!
Did you know you only have a handful of seconds to make a good first impression on somebody? Think about it: A crucial client meeting or public speaking engagement is about to begin. By the time ten seconds is up, your chance to make an impression has vanished. Here are three tips to ensure you don’t waste those precious initial seconds when you make a speech, appear on video or pitch a client...
As a communicator, the starting point is to be yourself. Not always easy when you’re addressing a room full of peers, appearing on camera or pitching a client. Your goal should always be to leave a mark on your audience. And there’s one guaranteed way to achieve that outcome: Be Yourself ² (Be Yourself Squared)...
We’ve all been there. You’ve got a big day at work. You have to bring your ‘A’ game. It might be a speech, a pitch, a meeting, a panel, an interview or a media appearance. The only problem? You’re absolutely exhausted. Don’t fret. There is a way out. Here are 3 invaluable media training tips...
Yes, facial and vocal exercises make you look and sound ridiculous. Regardless, these exercises were a key part of Mark's daily routine when he anchored business programs on Bloomberg Television. All it takes is a few minutes. That’s a tiny commitment before you give a speech, pitch a client, turn up for a job interview, appear on TV or record videos for social media. The payoff is huge.
Pace. Pitch. Pause. These are the 3 Ps of presenting, pitching & public speaking. Unleash the Ps. Hook your audience. Here’s why...
Here’s a secret: The favourite topic of conversation in a television newsroom is sleep. Or lack of it. That’s because waking up in the middle of the night is part of the job. Broadcast journalists spend a large part of their career getting up before 5am. Well before. Here are Mark's tried and tested methods to help you wake up extra early...
Do you dread speaking at conferences? Does appearing on a panel give you sleepless nights? Mark Barton is used to speaking to lots of inanimate objects (cameras) in a television studio. Engaging with a sea of expectant faces in an auditorium demands a different approach. Mark just flew back from chairing a panel at the Horasis Global Meeting in Portugal. Here are the 3 methods he used to connect with the audience...
It happens to us all: Your mojo. Your creative spark. The magic sauce that propels you forward goes missing. Just when you need it most. Here’s what you do to limit the fallout...
There are some workweeks which cry out for a restful weekend. And the weekend duly delivers. There are other workweeks where a different sort of prize awaits you on Friday: A weekend alone with the kids, which is the opposite of restful. And yet such an outcome isn’t too dissimilar from work. The same rules apply: Meticulous planning. Negotiation. Playing the long game. A disciplined approach. A bonus system. Here are 5 hacks to survive a weekend alone with 3 kids...
Wake up! The most important part of your content isn’t your content. That’s one of the many takeaways from ‘The Content Code,’ written by Mark Schaefer, who is one of the world’s top marketing bloggers. If you want people to watch your video or read your article, your headline MUST stand out. Here are 5 reasons why your headline SUCKS...
You Want To Become A Better Public Speaker? Here’s the SHARK CAGE approach...
It’s not every day you meet somebody younger than 50 who worked for the same company for two decades. Mark Barton is that person. And, it was his first job. How many people do you know who’ve been in one job for so long? In the US, the average time spent at a single firm is 4.6 years. Here are Mark's 23 nuggets from 23 years working for one company...
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